b"Judi TownsendOwnerMannequin MadnessThe only black-owned mannequin vendorin the US.Judi Townsend, is the founder of Mannequin Madness, theonly Black owned mannequin distributor in the US. Judistated the business as a side hustle out of her basement withno prior experience in retail.Now 20 years later, the company is the largest mannequinrecycler in the US with customers like Nike, Ralph Lauren,Macys, Nordstorm, Bloomingdales, The Gap and more.Mannequin Madness is an example of how to have a longcareer in the fashion industry.Keith MajorFashion PhotographerPhoto Director at Ebony.com New York City native Keith Major's love for photography andart began in his pre-teen years, when he attended after-schoolprograms at the Brooklyn Museum of Art and Pratt Institute.Keith specialized in photography at New Yorks highlyregarded High School of Art and Design, and after graduationattended the prestigious Rochester Institute of Technology,where he earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree.With more than 30 years of experience and a roster of A-listclients including Sony Music, Colgate-Palmolive, Essence andCosmopolitan, Keith has achieved his childhood dreams andestablished a sterling reputation as one of New Yorks mosttalented and productive commercial photographers. Renee GonzlezSenior BuyerTJX Companies"