b"KATRICE OFFORD - ABDALLAH Katrice received a Bachelor's Degree inMerchandising & Design from Prairie ViewA&M University. Working over a decade inFashion industry allowed her to travel to overhundred cities in the US, Canada, theCaribbean, and eventually Hong Kong.Katrice's time modeling with EbonyFashion Fair were some of the mostmemorable years of her life; however,she had finally arrived at the job of herdreams with Hong Kong-based fashionmanufacturer Silk Culture. Katrice was amajor contributor towards the SilkCulture team introducing the brand to thefashion market in the United States andshe was eventually promoted to the roleof Sales and Merchandising Executive.Katrice's merchandising work waspublished in the esteemed Women'sWear Daily (Atlanta) fashion publicationin Fall 2006.In 2010, Katrice joined Capital Groups SiteServices & Operations Team where she hasconsistently grown and now serves as amentor/trainer for her teammates and globalfacilitator in her role as a Sr. Coordinator."