b'DAVID V. DORSEYHe continues to model, working the runways forvarious shows and print. He also has venturedinto acting, landing the lead role in the movieSouls of Black men 2011. Plays - Angels in theHouse, Perilous Times to name a few. David is currently a Customer Service Rep for aninsurance company. He has spent 20+ years inthe sales arena, working with organizations suchas, Comcast, Bank of America, Charter One Bankand SBC/AT&T where he was the #1 Sales andSupport Manager in the Region. His future plansinclude becoming a restaurateur, specializing inCajun Cuisine. He enjoys giving back to the community throughmotivational speaking by sharing his backgroundas an individual who is hearing impaired. Davidshares his personal story so that individuals withsimilar challenges do not allow obstacles toprohibit them from achieving their goals. Prior tohaving his hearing impairment identified, he spenttime in the special education system as a resultof school not being able to properly identify andaddress his impairment. This experience hasDavid V. Dorsey is an anomaly in the fashion contributed to his ability to never lose sight of hisindustry. HE lives by the motto Never make dreams regardless of the circumstances that heexcuses for what you know you can accomplish. has to overcome. His positive outlook is a result of hisunderstanding that the difference between an David is a graduate of St. Martin Deporres Highobstacle and an opportunity is your attitude School and attended Cornerstone Universitytowards it.He is a native of Detroit, Michigan and a where he focused on business marketing. former Ebony Fashion Fair Model.'